Alli's 2012 Resolutions

Resolution #1: Take better care of myself.
    a. Floss every day
    b. Exercise at least twice a week for 30 minutes
    c. Get eight hours of sleep every night

Resolution #2: Stay in touch with my family.
    a. Call - and have a conversation with - my mom and dad at least twice a week (each)
    b. Twice a week, have a phone or text conversation with my sister
    c. Write and mail a letter to my grandma and aunt twice a month.
Resolution #3: Stay organized.
    a. Once a month, complete a project that will make our home a more pleasant place to live
    b. Use a planner every day - no more forgetting birthdays!
    c. Sweep, mop, dust, and vacuum once a week

Resolution #4: Save money.
    a. Pack a lunch every weekday
    b. Make a vegetarian meal twice a week (save money on meat)
    c. Try more DIY projects (bake my own bread, make my own household cleaners, etc.)